Cadence Turns 20: SDSU Voluntourism Scholarship

We believe travel creates opportunities to both see and change the world. Next January, a group of San Diego State University students will travel to Fiji to visit local schools, work on clean water projects, train locals on sustainability practices, and set up reforestation projects that will be managed by local communities and act as a carbon sink for the local tourism industry. 

The three SDSU Hospitality Program students below submitted applications with amazing videos in hopes of receiving our $5000 scholarship to cover the total airfare and program fees of this voluntourism trip! With the highest number of votes, please join us in congratulating Kendall (read and share her announcement here) or click "Invest in our Student" to contribute!



"As a hospitality student, my two most compelling passions are service and traveling. On a voluntourism trip like this I would be so excited to find out what I can do as one person to help better the lives of others on a global scale."

Read more about Kendall.


I would love to share my love for sustainability and a better future. I would love to get to know [the Fiji locals] and their culture and understand how I can help. I would love to make an impact that will help people for years to come.


I'm excited to be able to connect with the locals and share my knowledge of sustainable tourism. I am also interested in the clean water project... I find it hard to fathom that most of the people on this earth live without clean water.

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