Staying hydrated is this year's hottest travel trend
Did you know the Sahara Desert has a higher humidity level than an airplane? If that doesn't make you thirsty, keep in mind that upping your H20 intake can lessen the effects of jet lag and reduce headaches while traveling.
Always the advocates of happy, healthy travelers, we found an eco-friendly, convenient option to stay hydrated.
Whether you're flying to make that next big deal or jet setting to a tropical location, make sure to pack a Vapur, the "anti-bottle" we decidedly cannot live without. It folds, freezes, hangs from your carry-on (or a palm tree) and best of all, comes in multiple styles to match your travel lifestyle.
In addition to the original collection, there is also a micro-filter technology option to keep your thirst quenched in a foreign country and a wine/flask option to eliminate added glass or plastic in your luggage. Click here to shop!
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