Dreaming of Travel


Maybe it was the backseat of your family car on your way to somewhere amazing. Or your first steps onto an airplane. Or even just a short journey to a new place in your neighborhood, exploring for the first time. The journey to wherever you were going felt twice as long as the way back, because the anticipation of experiencing something new and unexpected was enough to literally slow down time. In your mind, a world of possibilities was laid before you, a world that lived only in your imagination until then. It was the anticipation of travel - the dream of an experience. Do you remember? 

As we all navigate this strange and uncertain time together, you may be left wondering how you should feel about travel right now. Maybe you feel selfish for thinking about getting out the house (you shouldn’t). Maybe you’re wondering if the world will ever be the same (it won’t, it will be kinder and more compassionate). Or maybe you just don’t know where you should go when the time is right. We think it’s time for a dose of inspiration to get you dreaming again and we’re here to help.   

Now is the perfect time to dream about travel. We may be grounded, but what better moment than this to dream big and work on your wanderlist - to feed the joyful feeling of giddy anticipation? Now is the time. So we’re launching a campaign we’re calling “Dreaming of Travel.”  We’ll be bringing you exciting destinations, amazing cultural experiences, virtual tours, global recipes, dreamy hotels and so much more! Most importantly, we’re bringing you inspiration. The idea is to help fill your dreams of travel and restore the sense of wonder you feel when you think about your next adventure. Let’s rebuild your bucket-list. Because the moment you plant the seed for your next trip, that incredible, time-slowing feeling of anticipation will return. And with it, the feeling that once again a world of possibilities lies ahead, waiting to be explored. 


If you have questions, or you simply want to collaborate on your wanderlist, get in touch with your travel advisor! Or if you fill out the form below, we will help connect you.