Packnada: the travel service replacing the suitcase
Photo Credit: Packnada
2014 may as well be called The Year of the App Service Startups. We are constantly amazed and curious about the number of interesting services being implemented in the business travel industry.
Introducing Packnada, whose tagline, "leave your clothes with us," suggests that the life of a business traveler could be simplified with their concept of traveling luggage-free. It's simple, really. Just pack nothing.
The concept of the service is to store a small wardrobe of your own clothing in your destination city. The beauty is that you can expect to find your cleaned, ironed pieces at your hotel prior to your arrival. And it doesn't stop there- throw in your favorite toiletries too, and all you need to take with you on your flight is your passport.
Skip the whole post-trip unpacking and laundry session as well. Packnada picks up your items from your hotel to spruce up and have ready for the next time you visit.
The service is currently only available in Singapore. Would you love to see it in more cities?