Change Fees Are Gone!

Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, and Alaska Airlines all recently announced that they have permanently eliminated change fees for main cabin and premium cabin tickets (basic economy excluded) for travel in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, plus Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean for American and everywhere Alaska flies.

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September 11, 2020

As global citizens, our lives were profoundly changed by the events that took place on this day in the year 2001. Our world of travel, this incredible community and family that we love, owes so much to this fateful day. In so many ways, we are here because of 9/11. We carry on for those who cannot. Today, we’re sharing a message of hope and resiliency, as we look back in order to move ahead.

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June 1, 2020

We can be the clouds or we can be the sun.   Today, and every day, be a ray of light.  Be a beacon of peace.  Be the sun in someone else’s life and burn through the clouds of obscurity.  Choose to be kind.  It’s the one choice that eliminates so many others, and the only one that is universally applicable.

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Return To Travel Considerations

We are turning our focus on what a return to travel might look like. Perhaps you’ve already begun to have these conversations or revise your processes and policies.   If you haven’t yet – now is the perfect time to start.  We’ve put together some considerations, thought starters, and recommendations for you to consider as you formulate your organization’s return to travel.

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