How much does your TMC support your travel managers?

While CFOs appreciate our cost savings and frequent travelers appreciate our commitment to better travel experiences, we've found that providing support for in-house travel managers is one of the biggest opportunities for effective travel management.
For this reason, we like to say that we actually manage travel, because we do so much more than negotiate contracts or get your travelers in touch with an agent. Here are a few ways we go above and beyond:
Implementation Support
Otherwise known as "change management," we help keep travel managers sane during the transition to a new TMC, booking tool, or travel policy. Because they're the main point of contact for hundreds of travelers, we arm them with email communications, on-boarding documentation, and even friendly online booking tool competitions, all at no additional charge. This is why we have an 85% online booking tool adoption rate compared to the industry rate of 45-55%, which gets organizations even closer to their cost savings potential.
Travel Policy Support
A successfully mandated travel policy is going to reflect very well on a travel manager. We help them get there by suggesting policy inclusions that make the most sense for the state of the industry, culture of your organization, and your overall cost savings objectives. Of course, a travel policy is only as good as how much it is enforced, so we consult with your travel managers on their biggest pain points and provide best practices.
Strategic Support
We work closely with your travel manager to discover areas for improvement and recommend behavioral changes that will increase efficiency, save money, or both. For example, if some of your travelers are waiting until the last minute to book, we will reach out to your travel manager to identify these employees and suggest ways to encourage advance purchasing behavior in an effort to avoid unnecessary costs.
VIP Support
We understand that your most frequent travelers have the most sensitive needs. They have huge objectives to meet and are turning to your travel managers for a successful, comfortable, productive travel experiences. Our VIP Traveler Program ensures that this core group of travelers has access to concierge style support, VIP treatment during their travel, and in the very least, elevated and/or escalated customer service.
If your managed travel program isn't quite cutting it, you might want to look into your support options. We have over 15 complimentary account management services included in every contract. Curious? Just get in touch!